Cassidy – young male dog needs a home
Vaccinations: Yes
Chipped: Yes
Spayed/neutered: Yes
Ready to travel: Yes
Special needs: No
Cassidy is a male Retriever Mastín cross in appearance. He is fairly big but has a gentle and timid nature. Mixes well with other dogs, not dominant. Let’s find this gentle boy a home. If you can find a place for me in your heart and your home please get in touch via the form below. And don't forget to give them my name and reference number. 🐾
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Cassidy is a male Retriever Mastín cross in appearance. He is fairly big but has a gentle and timid nature. Mixes well with other dogs, not dominant. Let’s find this gentle boy a home. If you can find a place for me in your heart and your home please get in touch via the form below. And don't forget to give them my name and reference number. 🐾
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Here are some more pictures of Cassidy – young male dog needs a home
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