A fun day out for the whole family!
There will be food and drink, various stalls as well as dog classes and much, much more! There will also be the monthly draw for the Valle Verde 100 Club. If you’d like more information on how to take part in that click here.
Dog Show Categories
- Best Veteran
- Best Rescue Dog & Bitch
- Most Handsome Dog
- Prettiest Bitch
- Waggiest Tail
- Dog the Judges would most like to take home
Entry Fee
€5 to enter 3 categories
€10 to enter all
To help us with the organisation it would be really useful if you could let us know if you plan to attend by filling out the form below and we will send you full directions to Cantalobos. Don’t worry if your plans change, this is just to give us an idea of numbers.
Thank so much and see you there!