Life at the sharp end of Animal Rescue can be hectic, harrowing but also incredibly rewarding. To give you an idea of what is involved here is a post from one particular Super Woman, with out whom the Valle Verde rescue operation would not function. Here is a day in the life of Linda Rane in her own words…

Here are the kittens
First of all I went to meet Angels Maria who had rescued 5 two day old kittens. I had picked up a nursing mother cat who had three kittens of her own the day before and I suggested that perhaps she would accept a few of the kittens and feed them too. And it worked!
Mum cat accepted three of the kittens immediately and started to wash and clean them straight away. They are now in safe foster care with our wonderful kitty fosterer Deborah Baine.Angels took the other two kittens home with her to bottle feed them, as we felt that giving poor old mum cat 8 kittens was just too much.

Rescue in Melegís
I had also had a call yesterday about a mother dog with one pup living rough under the bridge between Melegis and Restabal. Hopefully we have now managed to sort this dog out too and Mary Watt-Watts will collect her tomorrow to take her to safe kennels.

The black lab cross fostered by Louise
Then there was also the black labrador cross who turned up at Louise Spink’s house who was on heat. Louise managed to get her to the vets today to have her spayed and she will also go into kennels for a week and then Louise has kindly offered to foster her for a month or so until we can re-home her.
After dropping off the kittens with Deborah I went onto Lanjarón to try and help Freya Ruth Rodgers Moalim to get a big mastín called Max into my car as he has a home to go to, but he gets totally freaked out by cars! Unfortunately we failed on this task yet again, but we wont give up and plan to get a vet to come up to totally sedate him so we can get him to his new home next week.
I also collected one of our puppies called Meg from Amy Beth Reynolds (another one of our fosterers) as she has a home to go to in the IOW at the beginning of May and she will stay with me until she travels.

Max the Mastín
When I got home I got a call about two other pups who had been rescued by H Difusiones Caninas in Salobrena. They are safe until Monday with Julia van der Vorm when they go to a foster home in Granada and then onto foster with Irene Allan in Valencia.
And in between all that I was also posting on Facebook about Lulu and Stella, the two dogs who arrived in Ireland last week. The first the foster home rejected them and then their “forever” home also rejected them BUT they have been accepted by a wonderful rescue group over there who will search for homes for them
And to finish off the day I got another message from DianaFisio Salobreña who found yet another puppy on the streets of Salobrena!
That about it folks!!! Bring on tomorrow!! Ha ha, and sorry if this is a long and boring story but just wanted to share what wonderful members we have and the help we get from them all.